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Governor Jim Justice Announces Appalachian Regional Commission Funding for Wyoming County EDA Revolving Loan Fund

Today, West Virginia Governor Jim Justice announced the awarding of a $1.5 million investment from the Appalachian Regional Commission program (ARC) for a statewide initiative to recapitalize our Revolving Loan Fund that will support the survival and growth of West Virginia businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The goal is to assist at least 60 businesses and help them recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds will help create communities that are more resilient and allow businesses to become self-sustaining after an unprecedented time in our state and country. We’re so glad that we’re able to continue providing assistance to businesses in need during this time – special thanks to the state of West Virginia and the ARC for the support!

As a collaborative effort between Wyoming County EDA Executive Director Christy Laxton and New River Gorge Regional Development Authority Deputy Director Jina Belcher, a new system has been implemented by both organizations respectively to create a more paperless application process. Applicants who complete and submit the pre-eligibility form on the respective websites will be reviewed for consideration based on criteria for eligibility. To help get the process started in receiving loan funds, we encourage businesses visiting our website to complete the pre-eligibility form here: https://wyomingcounty.com/loan-information/#COVID-19.