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Work has completed at the Barkers Creek Industrial Park!

In partnership with our contractors Main Street Builders, the WV Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), and the WV Brownfields Assistance Centers (BACs), we have completed remediation on the former Lusk Lumber site in Tralee and received our Certificate of Completion from the WV Department of Environmental Protection and completion of our United States Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Clean-Up Grant.  We are excited to be working with our current tenants, Vecellio & Grogan to grow Wyoming County!

Special thanks to The Thrasher Group for collaborating with us on this project.

As a refresher, let’s look back at some of our project milestones:

  • 2011: Following initial site assessments and development of potential site redevelopment plans, the Wyoming County EDA purchased the former Lusk Lumber property.
  • 2012: Stafford Consultants, Inc. was selected to develop site civil development plans for the Barkers Creek Industrial Park. They are responsible for maximizing the use and efficiency of the 10.85 acre site, including design of the roads, utilities and septic system absorption field. They Wyoming County EDA and the Barkers Creek Industrial Park project were awarded a $5,000 “Fast Track” Grant from the WV Northern BAC. This funding was used for marketing, public meetings, project logo, and on-site signage at the Industrial Park.
  • October 2014: Potesta & Associates was selected to perform geotechnical investigations.
  • December 2014: Upon receipt of the Brownfields Clean-Up Grant funds from the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Terradon Corporation was selected by the WCEDA to serve as the lead environmental consultant and Licensed Remediation Specialist (LRS) for the Barkers Creek redevelopment project.
  • June 2015: Wyoming County EDA and the Barkers Creek Industrial Park project were awarded a $3,000 “Fast Track” Grant at the Northern WVBAC’s Shark Tank Project Workshop. The funds are designated for brownfields-related professional development for EDA representatives (conference / training attendance, etc.), utility and access assessments required for redevelopment, and marketing efforts for the Park site.
  • January 2016: Barkers Creek was officially accepted and entered into the WVDEP’s Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP).
  • 2016: Work was ongoing at the site, with tasks including field sampling and analysis, subsurface and site investigations, monitoring well installation, laboratory testing and data validation, risk assessment, and remediation plan reviews with the WVDEP and USEPA.
  • Early/Mid 2017: Terradon worked to complete the additional assessments requested by the WVDEP during our last project review. Once the analysis, validation and revised risk assessment are complete, final remediation work plans were submitted for approval by the WVDEP and USEPA. At this time, Stafford Consultants also updated and submitted final site civil development plans for approval.
  • Late 2017/Early 2018: Once the remediation plans are complete and approved by the WVDEP and USEPA, bids will go out to start the remediation phase of the site. Approvals were awarded later in the summer, which would allow us to bid and begin work at the site by early Fall.
  • Mid/Late 2018: Certificate of Completion – 2019 Once the remediation is complete and approved, Barkers Creek Industrial Park will receive its Certificate of Completion from the WVVRP. Tenant leasing can begin immediately, and/or the Wyoming County EDA will begin redevelopment as funds permit.

While this has been a long and challenging process, the Wyoming County EDA, its consultants and partners are excited about the progress that has been made and the future of Barkers Creek. With nearly 11 acres of ready-to-build property, easy access to utilities, and travel access to points across the country, Barkers Creek will provide excellent opportunities for businesses to locate or expand and hire in Wyoming County.


We are working hard to make Wyoming County a desired location for your business. In Wyoming County your business will have access to business and employee training, below market loans, and other government resources to help make your investment in Wyoming County a profitable one.