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Grant opportunity for K-12 educators in Wyoming County

Information on the grant and how to apply can be found below. If anyone would like to apply for this training opportunity, please email [email protected] to make sure you receive the application information on May 1st.

Mark Your Calendars!

Dr. Seth and LaRinda Kaplan established the “Kaplan Family Fund for Learning Disabilities in Southern West Virginia” to support educators pursuing training in reading programs with a focus on dyslexia methodologies.

Educator Training Info

  • The full two-day (in-person) training is scheduled for Thursday, July 27th and Friday, July 28th, 2023. Each day will start at 9:00am and finish at 3:30pm.
  • The Multisensory Structured Phonetic Training will be provided by Marshall University’s H.E.L.P. Center Coordinator, Laura Rowden, MA.
  • The training will be held at Larry Joe Harless Community Center, in Gilbert, WV.
  • Educators will receive program materials after the training has been completed.


Grant Application Eligibility

  • You must currently be an educator in one of the following counties: McDowell, Mingo, or Wyoming counties.
  • Two years of experience teaching within the county you currently serve is required.
  • Priority will be given to educators in lower performing schools based on ranking determined by the WV Dept. of Education.
  • The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. on May 31st.

At the current time, this fund will accept 14-28 teachers into the program. Applications will be accepted online through our grant portal May 1st – May 31st: https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=beckley

Please feel free to contact us with any questions at 304-253-3806, or email [email protected].